Tuesday, April 19, 2011

hmmm...nak share feeling ar..

Assalamualaikum...hm.de soalan nak tanya ni, salah ke kalau aku cakap aku x mengharap sangat nak kahwin?? yela,aku kan perempuan, x kan x nak kahwin..2 yang dorg cakap kat aku la..de yang siap marah-marah lagi.. kata x patut cakap macam 2 la, x baik la..hm..macam-macam.

Aku saja la cakap macam 2, sebab aku x nak bagi harapan sangat kat diri aku ni..nanti mengharap sangat jadi lain pulak..hm. sapa la nak kat aku ni..hehe

xpela..tiba-tiba plak rasa nak wat sajak..huhu.dah lama x wat..besa la, dulu jiwang, sekarang x dah. x de sape aku nak "menjiwang"..huhu

what should i do
when sometimes i feels like i need someone badly;
because the someone that i need is no longer here,
what should i do
when i talk about someone that i shouldn't talk about;
because i don't know what i should  talk about,
what should i do 
when i walk alone in the night;
because nobody want to accompany me,
what should i do 
when i hear a song, i think about someone
because the song is related to the person, 
what should i do
when i suddenly no longer know how to dress up myself;
because i don't know to whom i must dress up,
and what should i do
when i sat alone, under the moon, searching and thinking about someone;
because the someone that i thought and search are
someone that I am not worthy to be held..